


LunchBox - is a plug-in for exploring mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and workflow with using of Grasshopper

It also introduce new components for general machine learning implementations such as regression analysis, clustering, and networks.

Go to the developer's site to download the demo

Available components

Data: сomponents for dataset management, XML, and JSON formats.

Machine Learning: LunchBoxML components for regression, clustering, and neural networks.

Generate: сomponents for cool generative geometry.

Math: creating of parametric surfaces and forms such as the Mobius, Klein or 3D Supershape.

Panels: creating of paneling systems such as quad grids, diamonds or triangles.

Structure: creating of wire structures such as diagrids or space trusses.

Utility: Geometry utiltiies, sorters, R-tree searches

Workflow: Reading and writing Excel files, layer management, automate baking and saving.

LunchBox promo video

Watch a short video about LunchBox’s features

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