Application Area
RhinoCFD can be used in any area where liquids can affect the structure. The plugin is used in a wide variety of industries including:
- Shipbuilding: design of hulls, sails, propellers
- Architecture and construction: outdoor / indoor ventilation, pollution dispersion
- Jewelery: lost wax casting optimization
- Aviation and astronautics: aerodynamics, turbomachines, heat management
- Medicine: arterial flow, airways, effects of non-newtonian fluids
- Transportation: drag reduction, combustion processes, emissions testing

Key Features
- Possibility of sequential and parallel processing
- Cartesian, cylindrical and polar grids
- Cell geometry detection and simplification of the PARSOL meshing process
- Structured sequential CFD solver from PHOENICS
- Numerous turbulence modeling options including RANS and LES
- Radiation modeling
- Relational data entry without recompilation
- Built-in post-processing, including isosurfaces, surface contours, and streamlines