


This plug-in embeds physical behavior directly in the Rhino 3D modelling environment and allows you to real time interacting with your model while any simulation is running

With Kangaroo you can participate in a virtual form finding process

Go to the developer's site to download the demo

Kangaroo Features

Mesh modification

  • Mesh planarization to create flat rectangular panels to make flat panels instead of curved ones
  • Mesh edges adjusting to use the same modules everywhere instead of many different ones
  • Mesh surface area minimization for modeling and creating membrane roofs

Modeling structurally complex shapes

  • Modeling of catenary arches to create structurally sound arches and domes.
  • Simulation of folds to create “origami” shapes that can expand and contract with flat panels.
  • Checking the impact of gravity on a truss system to visualise deflection.

Visualization of the impact of various forces on objects

  • Checking the impact of wind on a building.
  • Gear simulation to check engine mechanics.
  • Modeling and visualization of panel bending under pressure.
  • Modeling how objects will be configured if they are packaged in a certain area.

Kangaroo promo video

Watch a short video about the main features of Kangaroo

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