


Penguin plug-in allows you to create sketches, watercolor painting, cartoon renderings and technical illustrations in Rhino.

Penguin is a non-photometric scanning concept, sketch, and cartoon line renderer which can be used for creating of artistic stylized images of models for further graphic and visual application. Penguin quickly creates an image in the required resolution. Supports TGA, BMP, PCX, PNG and JPEG file formats.

Go to the developer's site to download the demo

Penguin Features

Main advantages

  • Easy to use, fully compatible with Rhino
  • High-speed concept imaging of a model at a specified resolution
  • OpenGL support
  • Instant reflection of all changes in the model without the need for additional export and restart of the rendering process.
  • Renderinf for all models (except Flamingo or AccuRender plants)
  • Batch rendering through scripts
  • Antialiasing with user control
  • Visualization with using synthetic images
  • Ability to create your own rendering styles
  • Support for TGA, BMP, PCX, PNG and JPEG formats.
  • Ability to use background images.

About Penguin

Watch a short video about Penguin’s features

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Penguin plug-in allows you to create sketches, watercolor painting, cartoon renderings and technical illustrations in Rhino.

Penguin is a non-photometric scanning concept, sketch, and cartoon line renderer which can be used for creating of artistic stylized images of models for further graphic and visual application. Penguin quickly creates an image in the required resolution. Supports TGA, BMP, PCX, PNG and JPEG file formats.

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Rhinoceros Level 2
Rhinoceros Level 2
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  • 12 занятий по 1 часу

Профессиональный курс Rhinoceros – это курс, посвящённый изучению инструментов программы Rhino 3D, основанная на рекомендациях от компании McNeel. На пробном занятии Вы узнаете как проходит обучение и смогут ли полученные навыки решить Ваши задачи. Затем преподаватель проведет фрагмент одного из уроков.

from Original price was: 780 €.Current price is: 546 €.

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Дизайн ювелирных изделий
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  • 12 занятий по 1 часу

С нами Вы научитесь создавать 3D модели украшений различной сложности и станете востребованным специалистом в ювелирном дизайне. Ювелирная индустрия будет существовать всегда, ведь красота это движущая сила человечества.

from Original price was: 780 €.Current price is: 546 €.

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